In the wise words of Jack, what I’m about to write is “pretty bullshit.”

Anyway, I think Covid is a warning. Since industrialization, humans have polluted the environment at crazy high levels. Capitalism only made this pollution worse as the motive of corporations is to make the most profit as possible at the lowest cost possible. This always results in practices that release greenhouse gases, toxic chemicals, and other bad things into the ecosystems and environment.

This world somehow knows the damaging effects we have on it. Global warming is killing tons of species, ecosystems, and undermining the balance of nature.

While we should be protecting the environment and preserving ecosystems and life, we are hurting these exact things with our tendency to pollute whatever part of the Earth we come in contact with.

Covid is the Earth’s way of lashing back at us for hurting it. It knows. It knows what we’ve been doing. Just like how Santa knows when you’re sleeping and knows when you’re awake, the Earth knows when we’re being nice and when we’re being naughty.

And we’ve been real naughty.

Covid is our punishment. It’s a disease that threatens the most vulnerable of our populations. It is weak enough to not be lethal, allowing it to spread across the globe.

I don’t think that it’s a coincidence that all of a sudden, the Earth springs Covid on us just as global warming and the human carbon footprint is reaching all time highs, with no signs of stopping. Among infinite possibilities of diseases that would’ve been globally cured by now with our advanced medical technology, Covid keeps evading us.

Every time a new Covid drops, scientists are left scrambling in deciding how to respond. The Earth is toying with us. Unless we find a way to protect the Earth and do what is environmentally and morally right, Earth will continue to drop a new Covid.

This vicious cycle will only end once we treat the Earth with the respect it deserves and take responsibility for our crimes against it.

If we don’t, Covid will be here forever. And I don’t think Covid is even close to the worst the Earth can punish us with. Even speculating is scary.

Fear climate change. Turn off your lights. Walk and bike. Don’t leave water running. I will preach it over and over if I have to.

If we don’t respect the Earth, it will not respect us.

Brandolations 5:25