I would like to be immortal.

I know some people say that immortality would be a curse. They say that outliving all your loved ones would be the worst pain in the world and that immortality would only lead to boredom.

Even philosophers like Bernard Williams say that immortality would lead to so much boredom that those who are immortal will inevitably wish to die. Williams says that if someone were to keep finding interests to pursue in the world to keep them content with living on, their personality and core values would change so much that the person themself will change. Therefore, he says that the immortality is actually just reincarnation or transcendence.

What does this even mean??? I think Williams is wrong. If I live on and my interests and values change, it is still me. I will be immortal.

Let me explain why I want to be immortal.

Thomas Nagel said a quote that pretty much sums up a great reason for why immortality is good.

"given the simple choice between living for another week and dying in five minutes I would always choose to live for another week; and by a version of mathematical induction I conclude that I would be glad to live forever."- Thomas Nagel

If I was immortal, this is what I would do. This could be a possible week for me.

  1. One day a week, I'd devote to sports. I'd learn different sports from all over the world and become decently good at them. I'd use this to be fit and bond with other people across generations and cultures.
  2. The next day, I'd devote to languages. I want to learn all major languages in the world and hopefully all languages if I can. Some examples are Spanish, French, Hindi, Mandarin, Italian, Russian, Korean, etc.
  3. The next day, I'd devote to cooking. I want to learn how to cook all different foods from cuisines across the world and be more in tune with food and ingredients and cultures and stuff.
  4. The next day, I'd devote to just meeting people. I'd go around town and just talk to all people from all areas and try to see what I could do to be a small part in their lives. I think that there is no way in even an immortal life that I could learn all there is to learn about people.
  5. The next day, I'd devote to music. I would learn all different instruments in a symphony orchestra to a decent level and even learn how to sing and whistle better and some exotic instruments that are less traditional.
  6. The next day, I'd just read all day about things I like to be informed on the world. I'll catch up on current events, read classics in all different languages, and just enjoy literature more.
  7. The next day, I'll relax and do whatever I want for the day. I could delve deeper into one of the topics in another day but also pursue new interests that I didn't remember to write here at this moment.

I'd also want to go through life as a journey of humankind. I'd live for a long time like a hunter-gatherer and learn how to make and use tools and fire. If I get burned I'll be fine because I'll be immortal. Then, I'll discover obsidian on my own and eventually make all scientific discoveries on my own. I would figure out how to make bluetooth and electricity and stuff like that. I'd live throughout the ages on my own and sometimes interact with other people and make them think I'm a crazy man living in the wild and doing crazy things.

I'll learn skills that people just do. Pottery, archery, lumbering, hunting, diving, farming, climbing, welding, smithing, shepherding, etc.

I'll learn everything there is to know about the wild. I want to be able to look at a tree or animal or mushroom or whatever and be able to tell what it is, if it's poisonous, and other things about it.

I'll invest time in being a part of every big religion and hopefully every small one too. I'll live the lifestyles of people across the globe and learn more about societies in general. I'll learn about religion and hopefully culture too.