This is by no means a correct statement. Religion is a serious topic and I do not intend to say that religion is false or anything of the sort. This is just one of my theories I created based on logic and science and my own observations. Please read this just for entertainment's sake.


One day I was having a deep conversation with a few friends of mine. It was about religion.

My friend from Saudi Arabia, Naif, assured me that Allah did exist. Naif is Muslim. He said that logically speaking, in his beliefs, Allah must exist because in the Quran, there are tons of true facts about the world littered throughout the text. These are true facts about the world that the ancient people of the time would have no way of knowing through science. So according to him, there must be an all knowing entity that shared this knowledge with people.

He gave an example that on a certain species of dragonfly, there exists a small dark spot on the wing. This dark spot was mentioned in the Quran. Millenia later, scientists observed the exact species of dragonfly in the wild and located the dark spot on the wing. This spot could not have been located before by the people of those ancient times. They didn't have the microscopes and technology to see this thing on the dragonfly.

Hearing this, I was shook. If what Naif said about the true facts is correct, and I had no reason not to believe him, then there must be an explanation for how those facts were recorded at such an unreasonably early time.

Another one of my friends, Jonah, was talking about his views too. Jonah is Christian. He goes to church every Sunday and is very involved in Christianity. Jonah himself doesn't believe in evolution. He says that God created mankind and that logically speaking, for him, there is no way that human beings as complex as us can just grow out of primitive animals. Jonah is also a super smart science kid and does a bunch of bioengineering and things like that. That's why it was super surprising for me to hear that despite how much science he knows, he doesn't believe in evolution.

Devon, another one of my friends who is also Christian, seconded Jonah's views and says that lots of people who are Christian believe the same thing.

Me and Dan, another one of my friends, took in all the information and brainstormed a beautiful theory about religion. A theory that explains how the true facts were known, as well as similarities between Islam and Christianity.

I am agnostic. I don't put faith in a god or in gods but I also don't completely discount the possibility of existence of God. Honestly I don't remember if Dan is agnostic or atheist but I do know that he is one of the two. I just forgot. I know he told me once though.

I also usually try to think of things with logic which lead me to develop the thoughts and the theory I'm going to write down right now.

There wasn't really a good spot to add this, so I'll add it here. Around this time, I read Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time and was captivated by his explanations of time travel. They also play a big part in the theory.

The Theory

There are two premises you must accept if you want to understand the argument for what it is. These are the premises.

  1. Religion, as we think of it, provides a moral framework for people to be good.
  2. If time travel will exist, it will always exist.

Allow me to explain the first point. Religion, as we think of it, provides a moral framework for people to be good. In Christianity, you're supposed to love your neighbor and there's a big emphasis on repentance and being forgiven. Other religions also focus on being good to others too.

The second point is pretty self-explanatory.